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Georg Königbauer Uhren fürs Leben
Georg Königbauer Watches for Life
"The only piece of jewellery a man can wear without hesitation is a mechanical watch." Georg Königbauer
Company founder Georg Königbauer and his passion for watches
Every story has its origin, every passion has its key experience. Georg Königbauer was a young boy of seven or eight years when an ad on television caught his full attention: A man pulled his wrist watch over his fist and smashed a window. The watch remained intact and little Georg Königbauer said to his mother: “I want that watch.”
The wish came true, the son got the quartz watch for Christmas. It was a “Timex SSQ”, waterproof and impact resistant. For Georg Königbauer this whole story only seems like yesterday. For other boys it might be the first football or the first train set that they remember. For Georg Königbauer, who was born in Peißenberg in Bavaria, it was the first watch. He wore it proudly to school and the fascination for watches has stayed with him ever since. Of course he can remember his first expensive watch: A “Tag Heuer” with gold and silver ornaments with a green leather band for 3500 German Marks. He was 23 years old back then.
Georg Königbauer has such an extensive knowledge about watches as other people might have about soccer or politics. For him watches are much more than an item that indicates the time. For him watches are an expression of an (his) attitude towards life. Königbauer says: “The only piece of jewellery a man can wear without hesitation is a mechanical watch.” If he leaves the house without a watch, he does not feel exposed but “somehow incomplete”.
Königbauer worked successfully in the publishing business, was Managing Director of the “Münchner Wochenanzeiger” for many years and by launching “Hallo München” took part in the most comprehensive implementation of an advertising paper in Germany. At the age of 48 he now fulfils his lifelong dream and turns his passion into his profession: The graduate specialist in media marketing has founded a trading company for luxury watches. The online shop marks the beginning of this new journey. He is happy to pay anyone who is interested in his watches and seeking advice a personal visit. Georg Königbauer lives in Murnau (Oberland) in Bavaria but he also knows the state capital Munich like his own back yard.
He thinks of mechanical watches as jewellery as well as an investment. “They are beautiful and have a lasting value”, says the recognized expert. “Watches for Life”, is Königbauer’s claim. He knows people “who buy a watch and put it in the safe”. Possibly not the worst choice in times of the Euro crisis or, as Georg Königbauer puts it: “A Rolex is like cash.” It is even an investment that could be the right basis for an increase in value – if you rely on the right watch.
Königbauer employs a master watchmaker who repairs and services luxury watches. He sells high-quality brands like Officine Panerai, Tag Heuer, Tudor, Rolex, Longines or Eberhard & Co. “All relevant good watches”, like he says. The idea for this business has been in his head for quite a long time. “Now it was time to start something new.” Especially in “hectic times like ours” a beautiful watch is a dignified way to express a type of retro style.
In his eyes big mechanical watches do not only suit men but are also “sexy and extremely elegant” on women. In this context he has to think of the Russian tennis champion Maria Sharapova who always wears a Tag Heuer. And although it is hard to believe: Even the left-wing revolutionary leader Che Guevara wore a Rolex. “He knew that he could rely on this watch in his guerrilla war”, says Georg Königbauer with a smile. And what kind of watch does he currently wear? A “Eberhard & Co., “Tazio Nuvolari Data”, says the watch lover. Sporty, elegant but at the same time robust. But maybe he should not try to break a window with it.
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Georg Königbauer Uhren fürs Leben
Mühlstrasse 22
Murnau am Staffelsee