Motion in Time

Este vendedor dispone de una tienda en la que podrá ver sus relojes.
Recomendado por otros comerciantes de Chrono24: 16
Relojes vendidos con Protección al Comprador: 500

4,8 de 5 estrellas  |  Valoraciones: 347

Valoraciones en detalle 

 4,9 Envío
 4,8 Descripción
 4,8 Comunicación
99% de los compradores recomendaría a este comerciante.

Esto es lo que opinan los compradores de este comerciante

Hace más de 30 días

Pedido no completado

Valoración de Rod. M. el 24. febrero 2020

F.P.Journe ...


Comentario del comprador:

I have ordered a $ 21'000.00 from this dealer. I also had a chat with their representative and perfectly organized the transaction with them. Made the fund transfer and all went correctly. BUT Suddenly, although the money was on their side, I received a mail telling me that they canceled the deal. The reason they came up with was: at almost the same time another customer bought it... As you can read this seller cannot be fully thrusted and suffers at least from a big lack of coordination... I filled a complaint at Chrono24 and reported them at their customer car office. Be very careful.